Who We Are

There is a saying in my family: “Are we having coffee, or Coffee Coffee?”. Coffee was our regular sit down with my siblings and often a few friends at our local coffee shop where we would drink coffee for hours while working on homework, complaining about work, or flirting with the wait staff who of course knew us all by name and would often sit with us on their breaks.
Coffee coffee was different. Coffee Coffee was just us. It meant the storm was brewing, the world was ending over a break up, another failed job interview, the death of a friend, or a series of unfortunate events over the course of a few days that just made it feel like we couldn’t breathe. Coffee Coffee was pouring our hearts and souls out, our dreams, and our fears. Coffee Coffee was the process of healing from whatever storm that life had brought us.
Basically what I am saying, is Coffee can solve just about anything.

Meet Mistina

Mistina is the Leader of the chaos around here. Resident starter of the shenanigans, barista, bonus mom to everyone, and the queen of doing too many things at the same time, Mistina is the life force behind HCC. Mistina is usually over caffeinated and likes to play the game of who gets the least amount of sleep in a week while doing all of the things, so if it seems like she has her life together, don’t believe her. She tends to drop things, will sing all the wrong words completely off key, and still believes in fairy tales. Ewwww, why though? Mistina loves tattoos, dancing, thinking she is right about everything, and people telling her how amazing she is. She hates double standards, burnt coffee, and shoes – no she really hates having to wear shoes. Mistina is amazing at playing Russian Roulette when making up drinks, has a passion for helping people, and has lived a million lives already. She handles all of the background operations once Beth organizes the things, and basically lives at the shop for the day to day running of the things, while simultaneously planning the next big thing for HCC. All of the things. Reach out to Mistina to book events, get involved with community outreach, to talk about useless coffee facts, or to simply just add to the shenanigans.

Meet Beth

Beth is our spicy little ray of sunshine. Just call her Cayenne! Resident yoga teacher, barista, and really the person who does all the things so that Mistina can do all of her things, Beth keeps HCC running smoothly. Sometimes, Beth is a hot mess express, so if you come in and see coffee on all of the things, don’t mind her, she will get her life together someday too. Today is probably not the day, but someday she will. Beth loves all things dill pickles, inappropriate responses, angry music, naps, and true crime. Beth hates babies, messes, the general public, and most of Mistina’s music choices. Beth is amazing at mixing up sugar free concoctions, teaches yoga (adult and kids) inside and outside the shop, runs fitness boot camps at the shop, is a personal trainer, and certified in nutrition. Reach out to Beth to set up a review of your nutrition and fitness goals, grab the latest gossip, or to share in the shenanigans. Just don’t try to hand her a baby. No seriously. She won’t think its cute. Also, you probably should not hug her.

What Defines Us

We’re a local, independent business. We’re proud to be your neighbors. We support other local businesses, our veterans, our first responders, and our teachers. We love sharing our passion. And we love coffee! We know you work hard and we are proud to caffeinate you!

Our 10%

This is a great community we are part of, and we are excited to part of what makes it great: People helping people. We believe in leaving this earth in better condition than when we came, and giving back more than we took. We have an onsite food and clothing pantry for those that need it. We give back to our local schools and those in need, and we actively participate in events in and around our community. Check out our ‘Coffee Coffee’ page for more information on our community resources, and check out our ‘Events’ page to for upcoming events and organizations around the community that we will be participating in and with.

Who We Work With Matters

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Copyright Hurricane Coffee Co. – All rights reserved